Student Life

Health Office

List of 10 items.

  • Physical Examinations

    • A Current physical examination is required for all students in the Toddler program and Grades Pre-K (3 and 4 year olds), kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 11th and all new students. There are no exceptions.
    • Any students who participate in any extracurricular physical activity including team sports (swimming, etc.) and after school clinics, ski club, and the 6th grade camping adventures, must have an updated annual physical report for the current year. No exceptions to this requirement can be made. Parents are advised to make appointments early in the summer to avoid disappointment in September. Please do not email physicals to Nardin Academy due to confidentiality.
  • Immunizations

    New York State Law requires proof of immunization for diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, Hepatitis B and chicken pox for all students. Additional immunizations are required for specific age groups (Toddlers, Pre-K, 6th, 7th, and 12th grades). Check with your health care provider or the health office staff for specifics.
  • Administration of Medications

    New York State Education Laws govern the administration of medications during school hours. They may be administered by the school nurse after receipt of the following:

    • A note from the student’s physician stating the name of the medication, the dose, and the time it is to be given.
      A note from the student’s parent giving the school nurse or designee permission to administer the medication.
    • A separate bottle of medicine with the prescription label which will remain in school until the completion of the therapy.
    This applies to all medications, including over-the-counter drugs such as aspirin, cold capsules, cough drops, etc. All medication orders must be renewed annually or when there is a change in medication or dosage. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this policy
  • Sick Children

    Please make sure that the Montessori, Lower, Middle and High School offices have current phone numbers of parents or guardians in the event that your child becomes ill at school and needs to be sent home. Children presenting with a low grade temperature 100F, coughing, sneezing, complaining of headaches, sore throats, stomachaches, or vomiting will be sent home.

    Additionally, children complaining of an illness may be sent home at the discretion of the principal or Health Office.

    If you are called to pick up a sick student, please make every effort to pick him or her up within an hour of receiving the call.
  • Communicable Diseases

    If your child becomes ill with a communicable disease or condition, you are asked to notify the Health Office as soon as possible. Once notified of confirmed cases, the Health Office will alert the other parents as to the symptoms of the condition, watch for such symptoms in students who seek health care in school, and notify the proper authorities in the event that this is required.

    If your child vomits while in school he/she will be sent home.

    If your child presents at school with symptoms of a contagious infection, such as strep throat, conjunctivitis (pink eye), or a questionable skin rash, he/she will be sent home until a diagnosis can be confirmed or ruled out and a physician's note is sent in with your child. This is necessary to ensure the health and well-being of the entire student body. Children who come to school sick will be sent home.
  • Allergies

    Some of our children have severe life threatening allergies to nuts and/or dairy. Please consider this when sending in snacks, birthday treats, or breakfast. We would like all children to be able to participate in these events.
  • Absences

    Colds and other illnesses are easily contracted by children during the first few years of exposure to other children. For the health of the staff and other children, we ask that your child remain at home during the stage of a cold when mucus is especially heavy. Students who complain of nausea, stomachache, headache, head or chest congestion, or sore throat, should stay at home. If your child has had a fever he/she must be free without medication for a full 24 hours before returning to school. A written excuse is required (students who are over five years of age) for each absence and should be brought to school the day the student returns.
  • Medical Emergencies

    In the case of necessary emergency medical treatment, and the parent cannot be reached, school personnel will render first aid treatment and then arrange transportation by ambulance to Women's and Children's Hospital. A staff member will accompany and stay with the child until a parent can be reached.
  • Screening Programs

    During the year, a screening for vision and hearing will be conducted only to students in grades designated by the NYS School Health Services. Parents will be notified if further examination by a specialist is indicated.
  • Injuries/Concussions

    • Parents must notify the school and health office if the child sustains an injury, concussion or suspected concussion. It is a state law that your child has a gym excuse from a physician if he/she is out of gym for more than one week.
    • In cases of a suspected concussion, head injury or actual concussion the concussion protocol will be instituted.
    • All students with a documented injury must be cleared by a physical prior to returning to gym or sports.
A private, independent, Catholic school in Buffalo, NY, with coed Montessori, Lower and Middle Schools and a college preparatory High School for young women.