
Tuition Information

Tuition Assistance FAQs

List of 5 items.

  • The John R. Oishei Foundation Scholarship

    A full tuition scholarship for four years funded by The John R. Oishei Foundation and awarded to an economically disadvantaged student of color. More information and the application can be found here.
  • Buffalo Prep Scholarship

    A full tuition scholarship for four years funded by Nardin Academy and awarded to two (2) underrepresented youth who participate in the Buffalo Prep program. Learn more here. 
  • Art Scholarship: $1000

    This scholarship is awarded to students who have achieved excellence in art.
    How to apply:
    • Complete the Art Scholarship application (application coming soon)
    • Digitally submit a portfolio of your work to Please email the files in jpeg form.
      • Three to five pieces of original artwork, demonstrating skill in a variety of 2D and 3D mediums
    • The scholarship recipient is expected to be an integral part of the fine arts program by:
      • Being actively engaged in her art courses.
      • Applying herself earnestly towards excellence in art by maintaining a B+ average in her art class
      • Presenting herself as a leader and a role model for her peers in art class
      • Engaging in art-making and art-related opportunities outside the school environment
  • Instrumental Music Scholarship: $1000

    This scholarship is awarded to students who have achieved excellence in art.
    How to apply:
    • Complete the Art Scholarship application (application coming soon)
    • Digitally submit a portfolio of your work to Please email the files in jpeg form.
      • Three to five pieces of original artwork, demonstrating skill in a variety of 2D and 3D mediums
    • The scholarship recipient is expected to be an integral part of the fine arts program by:
      • Being actively engaged in her art courses.
      • Applying herself earnestly towards excellence in art by maintaining a B+ average in her art class
      • Presenting herself as a leader and a role model for her peers in art class
      • Engaging in art-making and art-related opportunities outside the school environment
  • Vocal Performance Scholarship: $1000

    This scholarship is awarded to students who excel in music and vocal performance.
    How to apply:
    • Complete the Vocal Audition form, and recording (coming soon)
    • Please record a piece of your choice via video. Please announce your song choice, and the composer before singing, and send your finished video to Mrs. Snyder at
    • Submit a letter of recommendation from a current music teacher discussing the student’s repertoire, years of study, practice habits, and general musicianship to
    • The scholarship recipient who receives a vocal scholarship is expected to be an integral part of the performing arts program by:
      • Being actively engaged in Choir
      • Applying herself earnestly towards excellence in music by maintaining a B+ average in Choir
      • Presenting herself as a leader and a role model for her peers in Choir
      • Engaging in music-making opportunities outside the school environment
Nardin Academy offers academic and endowed (no application required) scholarships to qualified incoming 9th grade students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and potential. A student’s scholarship award is renewed automatically each school year, provided the student is in good academic standing. These scholarships have been established by our generous alumni and community partners to support our Tuition Assistance program. Below is a listing of the funds that we have in existence. Please note that not all Scholarships are available every year.
Opportunities for scholarship, include:
  • 50th Reunion Endowed Scholarship
  • Alumnae Scholarship
  • Barbara J. Rapier Financial Aid Fund
  • Board of Trustees Scholarship
  • Christine Ann Dickerson '02 Scholarship
  • Daughters of the Heart of Mary Scholarship
  • Edna Heilbrun Endowed Scholarship
  • Endowed Scholarship Honoring Class of 1959
  • Ernestine Nardin, DHM, Scholarship
  • Grey Blanket Scholarship
  • Harriet Gilles, DHM, Endowed Scholarship
  • Jacqueline Saab Taylor '55 Endowed Scholarship
  • Joanne E. Fuchs '82 Endowed Scholarship
  • John J. and Elaine (Saab) Sullivan Endowed Scholarship
  • Kathleen McGuire '76 Endowed Scholarship
  • Margaret O'Brian Fritton '33 Endowed Scholarship
  • President's Scholarship
  • Principal's Scholarship
  • Sally Benner First Generation Endowed Scholarship
  • The Alice E. Drexelius '18 Endowed Scholarship
  • The Alice Posluszny Russ '52, Natalie Cheney '16 & Amelia Cheney '18 Endowed Scholarship
  • The Eberl Family Endowed Scholarship
  • The Fatta Foundation 150th Anniversary Endowed Scholarship
  • The Fidelma Fitzpatrick '87, E ‘83/Rooney Family Endowed Scholarship
  • The Joan Sacco Crosby '71 and Jennifer Crosby Finnerty '01 Endowed Scholarship
  • The Joy Family Foundation 150th Anniversary Endowed Scholarship
  • The Mary Ann Z. Bishara, MD, '49 and Daniel W. Bishara, Esq. Endowed Scholarship

Tuition Information

A private, independent, Catholic school in Buffalo, NY, with coed Montessori, Lower and Middle Schools and a college preparatory High School for young women.