Lower School

Fourth Grade

List of 6 items.

  • ELA

    The fourth grade reading curriculum is based on in-depth book studies. Students read at least four novels throughout the year, which consist of various genres, such as, realistic fiction, historical fiction, nonfiction, and an author study focusing on Kate DiCamillo. Other various reading experiences will be incorporated throughout the year (poetry, articles, research).

    Students keep a reading journal, where they learn new vocabulary words and respond to specific discussion questions. These questions may include reactions to the text, plot summaries, predictions, character analysis, or inferences based on what the students have read. Students complete projects and writing assignments which correspond with the novels.

    Students use the writing process to compose several formal pieces that may include a letter, a persuasive essay, a research assignment, an assortment of poetry and a personal narrative following the steps of the writing process.  

    In addition to formal writing assignments, students write informal responses in their journals several times per week.  Students write responses to specific prompts, in addition to topics of their own choice.

    Additionally, we teach grade-level grammar, word study spelling pattern strategies, and vocabulary study utilizing Wordly Wise.
  • Math

    The Lower School math program follows the tenets of the Singapore Math method where there is a focus on mastery achieved through intentional sequencing of concepts.  Students learn to think mathematically as problem solvers via their depth of knowledge gained from previous lessons.  Key features of the approach include the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract). 
    Topics of instruction include place value, multi-digit computation of operations, long division, fractions and their operations, decimals, patterns, geometry, data analysis, and measurement.  All skills are applied within word problems and spiraled daily.
    Instruction is presented in a variety of ways, including the use of manipulatives, technology and center work.  Students create a Math Notebook, which fosters a sense of independence and ownership of their learning.
  • Social Studies

    The fourth grade social studies curriculum focuses on the study of United States geography, and the history of New York State. The large units of study include Native Americans, Colonial New York, Revolutionary war, government, immigration and culture.  The students have the opportunity to complete a variety of hands-on projects and field trips that go along with these units.

    For example, students will research a topic about NY that they are passionate about.  At the end of the year, the fourth grade students host an “I Love NY '' museum where they have the opportunity to showcase their research in a finished product. At the museum, the students act as docents and teach the visitors about their topic.
  • Science

    The major topics covered in fourth grade science include fossils & earth’s features, sound & waves, and vision & light.  We use the Amplify platform to guide our learning in these areas. Smaller units of study include gravity, space, and speed/velocity/acceleration.  Students learn the steps of the scientific method and implement the process by conducting several experiments.  We incorporate STEM opportunities using Hot Wheels cars, marbles and many hands-on projects throughout the year.
  • World Language

    This is the pivotal foreign language year for all students. They explore the language more thoroughly being introduced to multiple cultures of the world that speak the language they are studying. The program doubles its time as classes move from two meetings per week to four meetings per week. The focus of this year is to introduce more academically based language that students can use to interact with each other, the teacher, and the world at large. As middle foreign language begins to be more rigorous, the teachers in the lower and middle school work together to prepare students for a successful transition into middle school.
  • Religion

    The fourth grade religion curriculum uses the textbook Christ Our Life, as recommended by the diocese, to guide our lessons.  The topics that the students study throughout the year include an in-depth study of the Ten Commandments, celebration of holy days, and developing a relationship with God. The fourth grade is also responsible for presenting the Epiphany prayer service and the Stations of the Cross to our lower and middle school communities.
A private, independent, Catholic school in Buffalo, NY, with coed Montessori, Lower and Middle Schools and a college preparatory High School for young women.