High School


Empowering Girls in the Classroom

Extensive research informed our decision to adopt a cascading, rotating schedule with 55 minute class periods. The schedule is beneficial for students and faculty, allowing greater depth in content and variety in academic activities. Through a more flexible and productive classroom environment and more opportunities for interactive teaching methods, the block schedule supports student mastery and the retention of material.

Longer periods of time allow students to direct their own learning. Taking extra time to grapple with questions on their own and amongst their peers, students strengthen higher-order thinking skills. Engaging students in an extended “block” is not simply a matter of having more activities to fill the time. It requires an entirely new mindset and teaching paradigm that radically changes the role of the teacher, the student, and the curriculum. This time encourages collaboration and cross-curricular planning, as well as the development of new methods of instruction.

Within the schedule, each core class meets five out of eight days in an A to H cycle. Religion courses and electives meet four times, and physical education classes meet twice in one cycle. Science courses are traditionally accompanied by an additional lab block to foster an environment of experiential learning.

Our school year is divided into two semesters. Rather than having our students return after Christmas break to a week of exams, they now have the opportunity to take part in our experiential wINTERMISSION program, a week in which students across grade levels, led by faculty, engage in service, travel, and exploration developed around themes. Mid-year skill assessments are given in each core content area prior to the December holiday break, freeing students to enjoy the time with family and friends. Final examinations for all courses (except senior-level and Advanced Placement) occur the first week in June.

List of 6 items.

  • Advisory

    Each student is assigned a faculty advisor and will join a group of 10-12 other students in advisory. They will meet once a week as an added layer of support and guidance as they navigate their Nardin career. A life skills and mental health and wellness focus will be discussed through monthly themes.
  • Gator Gathering

    Gator Gatherings take place on Wednesdays to accommodate, Advisory (Wednesdays), Clubs,  and House Competitions.
  • House System

    There are 4 houses, made up of one advisory from Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12. Family members are placed in the same house. Gator Time competitions occur throughout the year with a Gator Cup prize awarded at the end.
  • Office Hours

    Office Hours will provide a guaranteed time for students to meet with teachers each day.
  • P.E. Requirement for Athletes

    Nardin athletes are able to opt-out of gym while in-season. Athletes will decide at the beginning of their season if they want to participate in Gym and if not, they will rejoin their class the day after their last game. Attendance at practice and games is mandatory for this privilege.

    Our wINTERMISSION is a week-long experiential opportunity for our students in early January that is designed to more fully integrate the tenets of our Academy mission into our curriculum. Winter Experience is not graded but is a graduation requirement. Click to view our wINTERMISSION.

Key Aspects of the Schedule:

  • Schedule consists of an 8-day cycle with 8 blocks.
  • Days are labeled A-H, indicating the starting block for that day
  • Core classes meet 5 out of 8 days in the rotation; electives meet 4 out of 8 days
  • Opportunity for extra help each day during Office Hours
  • School day begins at 8 a.m.
  • School day ends at 3 p.m. every day.
  • wINTERMISSION week of experiential learning first week in January
  • If we lose a day due to weather, that day is dropped from the schedule.


List of 12 frequently asked questions.

  • What are the benefits of an 8-day rotating cycle?

    The 8-day cycle is designed to maximize teaching and learning in the classroom. This model is proven to increase academic performance in students. Student movement, class rotation, and preparation for the next class are taken into consideration in the allotment of the class hours. It also extends instruction time and allows for increased student interaction, thereby making lessons more meaningful.
  • What are the benefits of rotating 55-minute class periods? What opportunities are afforded teachers and learners?

    Research shows that people learn best through experience and discovery, and longer class periods empower our faculty to provide more meaningful and engaging opportunities for our students to do these things. To meet the changing needs of students, classrooms should be student-centered and project-based. This helps prepare learners to be critical thinkers, not to simply disseminate facts. Having longer blocks of time facilitates the types of activities that are critical to student learning. The rotating class periods assure that all courses have an equal number of meetings during “prime” learning time for each student. Fewer transitions during the day produce more quality minutes of class and helps learning “stick.” 
  • Is my daughter's homework increased to make up for less time in class? Does she have homework for a class even when it does not meet the next day?

    Homework is designed to encourage students to investigate on their own and learn how to answer questions. It should reinforce concepts presented in class while allowing students more time to process the content and skills taught. Because homework serves to complement the classroom experience, it should not increase to make up for less time in class. Based on the 8-day cycle, students will not meet daily for each class, so homework will be assigned according to the lessons taught.
  • Is there a limit on the number of AP or Honors courses my daughter can take?

    Nardin does not limit the number of AP or Honors courses that a qualified student may take in a given school year, but recommends no more than 3 per year.
  • Are there semester exams? If not, how do I know my daughter's progress? How will she be prepared for college exams?

    To make the most effective use of time, our most precious commodity, Nardin does not have a week of school solely dedicated to exams during the first semester. However, students should expect to have culminating assessments in their classes during the first semester to help measure progress. At the conclusion of the spring semester, time is dedicated to end-of-year assessments. For students in AP classes, this assessment is the AP Exam that is administered by The College Board. For students in non-AP classes, this assessment is an end-of-year exam. Both the AP Exams and end-of-year non-AP course exams help students learn to prepare for these types of assessments should they encounter them at the post-secondary school level. Mid-semester progress reports are sent out twice a year. Grades can be monitored daily on Blackbaud.
  • What is wINTERMISSION? Is it required? Is it graded?

    wINTERMISSION occurs the week students return from Christmas break and is a time for mission-driven experiential education immersions for our students. A menu of options are available to students. wINTERMISSION is not graded but is a graduation requirement and helps fulfill our mission of “inspiring hearts and minds to do amazing things for the world through faith, character, academic excellence and service.”
  • Will more electives be offered?

    The school schedule and increased graduation requirements allow students greater opportunities to pursue more classes in each of the disciplines.
  • Does my daughter have to stay at school during Free Blocks?

    Members of the senior class who are in good standing are given privileges by the school to sign out and leave campus during free blocks.
  • How can free Blocks be used effectively?

    Each student uses her unscheduled school time differently. Students have access to common spaces on campus such as the redesigned 110, the library and Guidance. Additionally, part of our Life Skills curriculum in Advisory addresses how to effectively use time. Students learn how to manage their unscheduled time through the guidance of their advisors. If students are struggling academically, they may be moved into a structured study hall.
  • If my daughter has to miss class because of a school activity, will she be able to catch up?

    Office Hours should be used by students to work with their teachers to obtain the information that was missed due to the absence. It is important to remember that students can also collaborate with their peers to get missing information. Families should avoid scheduling appointments during class time. Major dates and letter days are shared through the school calendar. Families should do everything within their power to schedule their student’s travel plans based on the dates on this calendar.
  • What are the expectations of the student and teacher during Office Hours?

    The school schedule provides meaningful time for students and faculty to interact every day of the week for extended periods of time. Advisors and teachers encourage productive use of office hours for clarification, enrichment and personalized learning.
  • Will my daughter be well prepared for college?

    A Nardin education prepares our students for future success. The school schedule allows for a deeper exploration of topics in classes and provides greater opportunities for our students to learn with passion. The world is dramatically changing, and we must change with it in order to prepare them for what lies ahead. With the help of Independent School Management (ISM) and their research-based approach to school scheduling, we believe that Nardin’s school schedule encourages our students to be lifelong learners.
A private, independent, Catholic school in Buffalo, NY, with coed Montessori, Lower and Middle Schools and a college preparatory High School for young women.