High School


As the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (S.T.E.M.) become critical in our culture and in the world, our upper school science department strengthens their focus on developing students into scientifically literate individuals. Students learn how science, technology, and society influence each other. Emphasis is placed on the ability to interpret and use this knowledge in everyday living. The practices and theories of innovation, experimentation, and problem-solving are explored. Inquity and active learning are encouraged, based upon the fact that scientific knowledge is tentative and subject to change as evidence accumulates.

List of 14 items.

  • Health

    In this course, students study the areas of mental health, coping techniques, problem-solving, relationships, nutrition, substance abuse, body systems, consumer health, safety and emergency care, and communicable and noncommunicable diseases. The topic areas are examined through the perspectives of physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being. This course may be taken freshman or sophomore year and is required for graduation. 1 Semester. 4 Days/Cycle. Alpha. Level 1.
  • Biology

    The impact biology has on all aspects of life is presented with emphasis on connecting biological concepts throughout all living systems. Four major units cover matter and energy, structure and function, reproduction and inheritance, natural selection and evolution. Students in this course develop laboratory and study skills, critical and creative thinking, teamwork, and independent analysis. 1 Year. 6 Blocks/Cycle. Level 1.
  • Chemistry

    This course examines fundamental chemical concepts. Topics include atomic structure, bonding, the periodic table, chemical equations and reaction types, mole calculations, gases, energy changes, potential energy, acids and bases, redox reactions, along with nuclear and organic chemistry. Students are exposed to extensive laboratory investigations and activities. This course provides a sound basis for success in a college-level chemistry course. Prerequisite: Nardin Academy upper school Biology or Earth Science. 1 Year. 6 Blocks/Cycle. Level 1.
  • Earth Science

    Earth Science is a survey course that includes several natural science disciplines. Geology, properties of minerals, theory of plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, astronomy, meteorology, map and graph interpretation are a few of the topics covered. Critical thinking and laboratory work is emphasized in this course. Students must meet rigorous lab requirements. Open to sophomores only. Prerequisite: Biology. 1 Year. 5 Blocks/Cycle. Level 1.
  • Physics

    A modern view of physics is presented featuring student-centered activities, modeling and demonstrations. Unifying themes and problem-solving skills are emphasized in the development of critical thinking. Lab activities are integral to the course. Prerequisite: Chemistry or Earth Science. 1 Year. 6 Blocks/Cycle. Level 1.
  • Anatomy and Physiology (H)

    This is an advanced level biology course that will emphasize the structure and function relationships amongst all of the different components of the human body through the study of the major human body systems. Students that have taken Chemistry their Freshman year may take this course as early as their Junior year.  Otherwise, the course is open to Seniors. 1 Year. 5 Blocks/Cycle. Level 3.
  • AP Biology

    AP Biology is the equivalent of a college level biology course. The major concepts and themes of biology are explored in great depth. Laboratory work is also emphasized. Students taking this course must be highly motivated and capable of performing a significant amount of independent study including required summer course work. A 90% average in science is strongly recommended.  This course is open to Seniors that have successfully completed the three-year science sequence: Biology, Chemistry and Physics. AP Exam fee required. 1 Year. 6 Blocks/Cycle. Level 4.
  • AP Chemistry

    This course is the equivalent of a college level general chemistry course. It is a rigorous, demanding, time consuming, challenging course. In order to be successful you must be motivated, hardworking, dedicated, enjoy problem solving and thrive on challenge. Topics such as the structure of matter, kinetic theory of gases, chemical equilibrium, chemical kinetics, and thermodynamics are presented in considerable depth. Most of the course involves problem solving and extensive lab work. Formal lab reports are required. Several labs are inquiry labs which involve designing your own procedure, collecting/organizing data and analyzing results. A summer assignment is required. Prerequisite: Chemistry. For sophomores requesting AP Chemistry for their junior year, it is suggested they have at least a 95% average in Chemistry. AP Exam fee required. 1 Year. 6 Blocks/Cycle. Level 4.
  • Marine Science

    Offered once each semester, and open to sophomores, juniors and seniors, this class concentrates on oceanography (the physical characteristics of the ocean) and marine biology (life in the ocean). Marine science is an interdisciplinary science, which includes biology, chemistry, physics and earth science. Prerequisites: Completion of a year of science at Nardin Academy upper school and, if a sophomore or junior, concurrent enrollment in another Nardin Academy upper school science course. 1 Semester. Level 1.
  • Principles of Engineering

    Open to juniors and seniors. This course introduces students to the field of engineering. It provides an overview of the history of engineering, basic problem solving, and introductory engineering concepts. Exploration of numerous engineering disciplines and career opportunities will be included using hands-on experiences, teamwork, project-based instruction and peer review. 1 Year. 4 Blocks/Cycle. Level 1.
  • Principles of Engineering II

    This course introduces students to beginning college work in the field of engineering. It provides an overview of various design principles and introductory engineering concepts. Career opportunities in structural and electrical engineering will be explored further. Course will conclude with a final project in any engineering discipline of the student’s choosing. 1 Year. 5 Blocks/Cycle. Level 1.
  • Life Skills

    This is an advanced level Life Skills and Health Elective course open to juniors and seniors. Areas of study will include global current events, finance, relationships, mental health, resolving conflict, nutrition, medical care, and student based inquiry of topics. Students will be active learners in exploring current health. Applied knowledge of content will be an integral component. Prerequisite: Health (HE100). 1 Semester. 4 Days/Cycle. Alpha. Level 1.
  • Environmental Science

    Curious about topics related to the environment, and its resources? Environmental science is the study of the natural sciences in an interdisciplinary way that always includes the consideration of people and how they have influenced various natural systems around us. This specific course will focus on looking at various science disasters (both man made & natural) through an environmental lens. A major focus will be on the environmental issue of your lifetime, climate change. Students will be required to complete research projects, labs, as well as group projects. Open to juniors and seniors. 1 Year. 5 Blocks/Cycle.
  • AP Environmental Science

    This course is the equivalent of a college level general environmental science. It is a rigorous, demanding, time consuming, challenging course. Environmental Science an interdisciplinary course that focuses on ecological processes, human impacts on the earth, and how to resolve or prevent natural and human-made environmental problems. Most of the course involves problem solving and lab work. Formal lab reports are required. Several labs are inquiry labs which involve designing your own procedure, collecting/organizing data and analyzing results. A summer assignment is required. Prerequisite: Chemistry, Earth Science or Environmental Science. AP Exam fee required. 1 Year. 6 Blocks/Cycle. Level 4.
A private, independent, Catholic school in Buffalo, NY, with coed Montessori, Lower and Middle Schools and a college preparatory High School for young women.