High School


The mathematics department strives to help our students meet the requirements of mathematics knowledge for life, not just for the diploma they receive at graduation. Even though we only require three years, we believe that every student should take four years of rigorous mathematics courses that best meets her needs. We believe that every student can achieve success in each of the math classes they take, and we provide the tools to help them.

Mathematics knowledge, like technology, arts and language skills, is crucial to students' development of critical and analytical thinking. The abilities to solve problems, use logic and be creative are enhanced by the study of mathematics practices and theories.

List of 12 items.

  • Foundations in Algebra I

    This is an introductory-level algebra course that focuses on the real number system, operations  with positive and negative rational numbers, solving equations, solving inequalities, polynomials,  quadratics, functions, basic geometry, and basic statistics. Students will develop their  understanding of numbers by applying mathematical models to real world problems in  preparation for Algebra 1. The use of the graphing calculator (TI-83/84) is introduced and  required for this course.
  • Algebra 1

    Topics include, but are not limited to algebraic expressions, solving equations and inequalities,  radicals, linear and exponential relationships, quadratic functions, and systems. The use of the  graphing calculator (TI-83/84) is introduced. This course lays the foundation for mathematical  literacy that will help students be successful in every subsequent course in mathematics.  Algebra I is required for all incoming freshmen unless they have passed an Algebra course and  its final exam.
  • Geometry

    Topics include Euclidean and coordinate geometry proofs, arithmetic and algebraic applications  to geometry, coordinate geometry applications, quadratic equations, constructions,  transformations, circle geometry and trigonometry applications. TI-84 graphing calculator used  to enrich content. Prerequisite: Algebra I.
  • Foundations in Algebra II

    This is an intermediate-level algebra course that focuses on functions, fractions, exponents,  trigonometry, probability and statistics. Students will further develop their understanding of  algebra by applying mathematical models to real world problems. Assessments will include  homework, graded assignments, group work and quizzes/tests. TI-84 graphing calculator used  to enrich content. Prerequisites: Geometry.
  • Algebra II/Trigonometry

    Topics include intermediate and advanced algebra, exponential and logarithmic functions,  trigonometry, probability and statistics. Emphasis is placed on real-world applications.  Prerequisite: Geometry. TI-84 graphing calculator used to enrich content.
  • Algebra II/Trigonometry (H)

    Honors level course including topics similar to Algebra II/Trigonometry with an accelerated pace  a more rigorous approach. Suggested 95% average in Geometry. TI-84 graphing calculator  used to enrich content.
  • Pre-Calculus

    Students will cover topics that will prepare them for calculus. Topics include rigorous algebraic techniques involving exponents and radicals and solving equations and inequalities. We will study several types of functions including piecewise, exponential, logarithmic, trig, rational and asymptotic behavior. Towards the end of the year we will begin the calculus syllabus with limits and the introduction of derivatives. TI-84 graphing calculator is required, but rarely used. 80% in Math 11 suggested. 1 Year. Level 1.
  • Introduction to Calculus (Honors)

    In this course, students will cover topics to prepare them for one of the calculus classes  offered. First semester has a rigorous study of Inequalities, domain and functions including  piecewise, composition and inverse. We finish this term with exponential and logarithmic  functions focusing on 'e' and the natural logarithm. Second semester we go in depth examining  trigonometry (all in radians) along with rational functions and asymptotic behavior. This is a  great lead in for the early calculus topics of limits, rate of change and the definition of  derivative. We will go into as many techniques of differentiation as time permits. TI-84 graphing  calculator used to enrich content. 90% in Algebra II/Trig. is suggested.
  • Calculus (Honors)

    This class gives the opportunity to learn calculus concepts at a more relaxed pace. The topics of  limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration are studied in depth, as well as some  applications of each. These applications include: approximations, related rates, optimization,  motion, total distance/displacement, area and volume of solids. TI-84 graphing calculator used  to enrich content. Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus or Introduction to Calculus H.  
  • AP Calculus (AB)

    This course is offered to students who have successfully completed Intro to Calculus Honors.  The topics covered are determined by the national AP Calculus (AB) syllabus which is set by  the College Board and represents what is covered during the first semester of college calculus.  93% or above on all math exams & Intro to Calculus Honors suggested. TI-84 graphing  calculator required. AP Exam fee required.  
  • AP Calculus (BC)

    This course is offered to seniors who are advanced in mathematics and have successfully  completed Introduction to Calculus at a high level (95% overall average without weighting). TI 84 graphing calculator required. The topics covered are determined by the College Board and  represents what is typically covered during the first two semesters of college calculus. AP Exam  fee required.
  • Math 12 with Stats

    A senior level math course, which encompasses statistical methods and probability. Students  learn how to compile data, prepare graphs and calculate mean, median, mode and standard  deviation. Google Sheets will be used for some topics. Data is compared using the normal curve  and binomial distribution. Probabilities will be calculated. A TI-84 graphing calculator is required  for statistical calculations and graphing. Computers will be used to demonstrate statistical  graphs. Other topics are ACT/SAT review, pre-calculus, history, and graphing. Students must  have successfully completed Algebra II/Trigonometry.
A private, independent, Catholic school in Buffalo, NY, with coed Montessori, Lower and Middle Schools and a college preparatory High School for young women.